Monday, March 24, 2014

Vampires & Divergent

Another great weekend in the books full of fun activities with my blogger bestie, Kate of Nautical By Nature! Kate and I met four years ago at the very first Vampire Diaries Paleyfest panel in 2010. She had an extra ticket and invited me to join along and we became fast friends from that day on. Since Saturday was TVD Paleyfest, this weekend marked our friend-aniversary. Aww!

A little background on Paleyfest - it's a two-week event that takes place every year, where popular shows are featured. A panel of actors, directors, and the such talk about the show and answer audience questions. If you didn't catch my review of the Pretty Little Liars panel, check it out!

The Vampire Diaries

The Originals

Luckily, The Vampire Diaries has been featured a few years now. And this year TVD cast was joined by The Originals. Pretty much a double feature made in heaven! The actors are always charming, the panel is informational, and it's fun to stare at hot actors for a few hours.

Look who I got to meet at the event - Brianna of Heart of Life! I've read her blog for years and we have a lot in common so it was super exciting to finally meet her. She's so much fun!

Me and Brianna - I have no idea why it's impossible to fix iPhone eyes! Please ignore.

Me, some random dude, and Kate!

After the Paleyest fun Kate and I caught a showing of Divergent. Holy hell! It's official, I am in love with Theo James. Did you see my post about him last week? Read it now. You're welcome! Anyways, the movie was really good. It did stray from the book, as movies always do, but the film wasn't changed so much that it was upsetting. I LOVE the Hunger Games books and do not like the movies. I am really happy to say this was not the case with Divergent. Go see it!


  1. Isn't it fun to meet blogger-friends in real life? I'm lucky we have so many in Virginia!

  2. i'm mad in love with theo!! loved seeing your pics on IG!

  3. Look at you rubbing elbows with celebs again! So fun you got to meet Brianna, blogger meet-ups are so fun!

  4. I'm doing my first blogger meet up in April and I'm very excited! Paleyfest sounds awesome! When I was VERY into Twilight I really wanted to go to ComiCon but just never made it out there. I haven't read Divergent yet and may not read it before it leaves theaters, but I want to read the book first, lol.

  5. Linking up with you for the first time today! Enjoyed reading your post! Sounds like a great weekend!!

    xo, Erica
    Casually Styled

  6. OMG! I'm so jealous, I am obsessed with the Vampire Diaries! Lucky, looks like a lot of fun. That's so cool you got to meet Brianna!!! Luck y lucky!

  7. So what was the demeanor like between Nina and Ian? Did they act like a couple of awkward exes? I'm always curious about celebrities handle stuff like that lol

  8. This event sounds a lot of fun, especially since I love both The Vampire Diaries and The Originals....and it doesn't hurt to see all the eye candy.

    I'm a new reader via the giveaway you're sponsoring at My So-Called Chaos.

  9. Girl, I wanna join your network! You always get to see all the hunky t.v. celebs!

  10. This is so perfect! I was sooo jealous watching your Facebook and Insta feed, you lucky girl! Paul Wesley could not be hotter.
    And your outfit for the event and your pretty one with all your statement jewelry was too perfect for words <3

  11. love you & brianna's necklaces!!

  12. So I actually read the Divergent books too and saw the movie. I thought the movie was really quite good, and much better than I thought it was going to be. Will be reviewing it on my blog this Friday.

    It stayed pretty true to the book as well. What did you think they could have done better?

  13. I can't wait for the bahamas recap! I've been wanting to go there for so long, can't wait to hear about it!

  14. So much fun! I want to go to Paleyfest! Do you have to be invited or can you just buy tickets? I would have loved to go to the Mad Men or Mindy Project panels.

    I get to meet Kate next month when she comes up here. Woohoo!

  15. So so fun meeting you!!! (: you got such good shots of all the actors too!
    I finally saw divergent last night and looooooved it too! Theo! Sigh. Love him even more now!

  16. I so wanted to go but couldn't. Glad you guys went and had fun!


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