Monday, September 15, 2014

100 Happy Days

I finally decided to jump on the 100 happy days train last weekend! I already missed one day, but let's pretend like I'm 8 for 8. Here are my shots from the past week:


1. soaking up the last days of summer, enjoying palm trees and sunshine

2. my obsession with photographing flowers even extends to wilted ones

3. pre-ordered One Direction's new album - download the free single "Four" it's really catchy

4. put together some toiletry packages for kids in shelters with my sorority alum chapter

5. on 9/11, taking a few extra seconds to appreciate our flag and what it stands for

6. enjoying Belmont Lights at the House of Blues Sunset Strip before it's torn down to build condos BOOOO!

7. Fall SoCal Blogger Society Brunch


Your turn! Join the Monday Morning Gossip fun with my co-host Kimberlee of I Have a Degree in This and me. Here's how it works:

1. Blog about your gossip - all topics accepted so why not link up?!
2. Include the badge (below) in your post and/or link back to our blogs.
3. Add your link to the list below.
4. Only add ONE post.

Linkups are meant to be fun and promote everyone's blogs! We understand if you're new and don't know the rules, so we're happy to explain the process. But we don't link playing blog hop police. Repeat offenders will be deleted.


This week's featured blog is Green Fashionista

Kate is always up to something fun down in Florida. Go say hello!


  1. Seriously, you inspire me to get out and do more stuff! I love following long!

    Whitney & Blaire

    Peaches In A Pod

  2. That first shot is gorgeous! Can't wait to see all your happy days!

  3. That tree! And those flowers! SO pretty! Looks like you had a good weekend and doing something nice too! So inspiring.

  4. You guys have the best blogger get togethers! :)

  5. GREAT pics! I have yet to allow myself 100 days of happy. That just sounds wrong! Happy Monday!

  6. Beautiful photos! Love the first one with the sun and the one with the purple flowers. I love seeing other peoples' 100 days of happiness. Makes me happy too!

  7. i have always wanted to do the 100 happy days!

  8. The So Cal Bloggers Event looks like it was tons of fun! I live in San Diego and would love to connect with more bloggers in the area. Will look into the So Cal Bloggers Society. Are most of the members located in the LA area?


  9. That photo with the flowers- SO beautifuL!! Happy Monday!!

  10. So glad I joined your 100HappyDays thing with you, Leeann. :) Makes me appreciate the little things in life rather than complain each day...haha!

    Love the flower photo...but the palm tree photo will always be my favorite.

  11. I've thought about doing the 100 Happy Days too...I think I will!

    California To Carolina
    The Gym Bunny

  12. Girl.. I'm soaking up every last second of summer too!

  13. Such an awesome thing to do for the kids. How can they get rid of The House of Blues for condos?! Horrible. That brunch looks fabulous.

  14. Woohoo! New 1D music...they're definitely my guilty pleasure! xoxo

  15. Love your pictures! The blogging brunch sounds like so much fun!

  16. The first picture ... calling my name!!!


  17. I've been seriously obsessed with all your gorgeous happy posts, girl! You should totally frame that first picture - it's PERFECT.

  18. Great photos and fabulous things to be happy about!

  19. Awww... I love that you're putting together care packages like that! :)

  20. 100 happy days, yayyy!
    Look at that gorgeous late summer sunshine in the first shot- it's been cool + cloudy in KC for the past few days, so I'm missing this!


  21. Awww what a great idea, love the pics especially 1st one :))) xo Sabina @Oceanblue Style

  22. I love the idea of 100 happy days! Beautiful photos!
    xo Krissy @ Sneakers and Sequins

  23. I got to check out "Green Fashionista". Sorry I linked up late but I couldn't access the link-up on Monday, I tried 4 times. =(


Thanks for visiting and commenting! I love making new blogging buddies :)