Tuesday, September 16, 2014

SoCal Blogger Society Fall Brunch

Sunday I had the pleasure of attending one of SoCal Blogger Society's quarterly brunches. Unfortunately, it was anything but fall this weekend! Throughout SoCal temps ranged from the 90s to high 100s. Despite the scorcher, I had a great time mingling with other bloggers and meeting wonderful ladies!

Nautical By Nature and Join the Gossip

Outfit posts are few and far between. Luckily every time I see Kate I sucker her into taking a few pics. Stay tuned for an outfit post Friday!

linking up: WIWW 


  1. How fun! I've heard that the weather has been unpleasant (I was born and raised in Long Beach but have since moved). I would not want to be there right now with the temperatures that high!

  2. What a fun event. I want to go to a blogger event one day. Love how you styled that LBD for Fall. Gorgeous sparkly necklace and pretty booties.

  3. You SoCal ladies know how to throw an amazing get-together! Love that dress and necklace on you!

    P.S. I'm now craving waffles :-P

  4. Looking good! Love the necklace.

    That looks like a great event.

  5. Looking good! Love the necklace.

    That looks like a great event.

  6. Those waffles look so good! I love breakfast foods.

    Oh and your necklace is so pretty!

  7. You guys have the best blogger meetups. The waffles look amazing!

  8. Yay for blogger brunches! :) You looked super chic- love the booties!


  9. That looks like so much fun! I really need to stop being so antisocial and start getting together with local groups like this and making new friends.

  10. So fun! I want to go to stuff like this!! And eat those waffles.

  11. Hot momma! Love your outfit. So happy to see you mingling with other bloggers :)

  12. Could I look any greasier/sweatier!? Fun event but I was melting!


Thanks for visiting and commenting! I love making new blogging buddies :)