Wednesday, August 23, 2017

Life Lately

Newport Beach, CA sunset Unicorn Milkshake from Caked LA Sombre Blonde Waves The Museum of Ice Cream LA The Cliff Restaurant

I'm now getting back into the swing of things with blogging after my unexpected hiatus. Sometimes it happens, right? This blog is a few months away from it's 10th blogiversary so breaks are bound to happen. And now that I'm back, I wanted to do a mini photo dump showing what I've been up to. In a nutshell, beach trips, indulging in treats, new hairstyles, museum visits, and friend time. Things are pretty good in these parts!

In the next few weeks I have posts lined up about travel, movies, food, makeup and more. So stay tuned!


  1. Welcome back, lovely! Nice to see you back around these spaces and looking forward to your tales of adventure :D

  2. Welcome back girlie! Your hair looks amazing, and that drink - YUM! <3
    Green Fashionista

  3. Welcome back doll! I love your hair!! Ok, I need that drink in my life.


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